Monday, August 20, 2007

Christmas is Just Around the Corner

Nora and I were talking and had wanted to know everyones opinion on gifts for Christmas...
Should we draw individual names? Couples?
Is there going to be a dollar amount?
Should it be a surprise who has who? What about the kids?

Everyone post their thoughts and we can decide what is best. Maybe David will come up with another great idea like he did last year for Christmas with Mom's ticket to Spain. It will be so fun this year with everyone together!


davebo said...

You have way too much time on your hands. Maybe you can make Christmas pajamas for everyone. That's my great idea so far. I'll let you know if any other genius ideas come to mind.

Emily said...

FYI, this post was Nora's idea

Emily said...

But you're right, I'm the one w/all the time to post it :)

the Koch's said...

Don't worry Em, I just got off the phone with David and I explained to him that we were talking and that you offered to post that about Christmas. As for ideas... I think we should draw names. We can also do a gift exchange with the cousins... that would be fun!!! If that is the case I want Charlie to have Zachy because I already have a gift idea for him.

Jen said...

I say we draw names and make it a surprise. I think we should also put a dollar amount. Cousin exchange sounds good too! I'm all for Em making pajamas!!

steve-bo said...

sounds good to me too, but i say there is no limit...go big or go home... and it will be the only present we have to get so it doesnt matter the cost.

the Koch's said...

Look money-bags... it may be the only present YOU have to get, but for us poor folk we should probably set a limit. If not, I will make sure to rig it so you pull my name!!!

davebo said...

What about the idea of all going to Disneyland or some other place all together and spending the money on that...just an idea.
P.S. Is anyone else going to back me on the idea of having Em make everyone pajamas other than Jen?

Emily said...

Dave, thats funny you say that about Disneyland, b/c I wanted to go when we come down, but it's too expensive. If we all did it together, that would be a good gift idea! Maybe we could all wear our matching pajamas. (P.S. When are you going to ever call me back?)

Jen said...

If Steve is all about going big, maybe he could treat us all to Disneyland! I think spending money on us all doing something together is a great idea. Who really needs more clothes anyways?

the Koch's said...

This is the Koch police. No suggestion on Christmas here, I just wanted to congratulate you all on doing such a fantastic job with your spelling lately. All these comments and not a single misspelling. Keep it up!!

grandma graham said...

good ideas

grandma graham said...

I can't hardly wait for Christmas to come!!! I'm the most excited to have EVERYONE home!! Love all the Christmas ideas... All I want is a time for us to take a family picture somewhere, with NO complaining!!!

Jen said...

This is Ryan posting...I think we should go on a three day cruise for Christams to Mexico. It would cost around 200 dollars a person and all the food you could eat!! I agree with go big or go home but only if it's a cruise!

davebo said...

This is Kenna...The Grahams are in for the cruise! Good idea Ryan...but if that doesn't work out we still want to go to Disneyland.

davebo said...

I can't wait to see these amazing pajamas that Emily is making all of us this Christmas!-Kenna

Emily said...

Good idea Ryan, but we are already spending at least $200 each for a plane ticket out there. Our vote is Disneyland.

steve-bo said...

you only live once, i'm in for the cruise!!!

the Koch's said...

This is Nora... Do we take a vote or do we keep posting back and forth? There are pros and cons to both. Disneyland- fun, but not super ideal for all day with little kids that need naps and stuff. Cruise- fun, but expensive. I figure either way by the time everyone pays for a gift for their spouse, a gift for mom, food, parking, etc. $200 per person is really not that bad. Not like we are loaded or anything... but I am up for a cruise! As the family keeps getting bigger I think it will be harder to do something like that. Plus, I am sure we will look back on it and talk about how fun it was... not how expensive it was! Keep posting your opinions and let's make a decision.

davebo said...

Amen Nora.

Jen said...

Travl planer hear...sinse the last time it was mentoned Ryal Caribbean sold out of there chepest cabins. It will cost us about aout 269 per per person not includin tacs on carnival cruise lines..let me know if y'all want to do it we are in...lets make memories together....especially sice all of you will be wealthier than we ever will....
Chew on that koch po'lice