Sunday, June 17, 2007

Happy Father's Day!

I had a few people at church ask me if today was especially hard. I have thought more about all the fun/funny things about dad. I especially thought of him when we passed out cinnamon rolls today to all the dad's. It reminded me of how much he LOVED sweets. Finding him many times in the kitchen sneaking something, thinking no one saw or heard him, is now a treasured memory. I think Steven will carry on the tradition because he had the most cinnamon rolls of any dad at church today!

This picture I posted is the only digital one I have of dad, since we don't have a scanner, but there is a funny story behind it. Allison was only a few weeks old and dad was her first babysitter (he was so proud of that). As I was getting ready to leave he yelled for me to come into the living room. I really thought something was wrong. He said, "you've got to get a picture of this" Relieved that he just wanted a picture, I thought he was talking about Allison (of course)... but no, he was talking about Roxy trying to get on his lap. He thought it was the greatest thing! I just got the camera and took the picture, but I remember being a little upset that he worried me in the way he called me into the living room and all to take a picture of Roxy. I am very glad I took the picture!


Emily said...

Besides Alli's socks on her hands, I love Dads shoes. I don't remember him wearing them too often, but they are totally him. I definitly would have to agree about him loving sweets. My favorite was how he would always surprise us with one of his concoctions (crackers, cheese and marshmallows, pie crust with cinnomon, doughnuts)and be so proud of them. After going to the funeral for Bens Grandpa I especially miss him this Father's Day. I love reminiscing about memories we have of Dad and the fun we had with him.

grannybabs said...

That picture of your dad was so vivid and real - it was like he was right here in the room - it was fun for me to remember him.

I have quite a few pictures scanned into my computer that have your dad in them - I'll try to remember to email them to jennifer.

Helena said...

That is a great story and a great pic of Uncle Charlie. It made me smile!!